New Beginnings
There is something in the air during springtime that calls for a new beginning. The animals begin emerging from hibernation, birds build their nests in the newly blossoming trees, and we crave being outdoors to enjoy the sunshine and warmth. We start to shake off the gloom of winter and begin looking ahead to what excitement the summer will bring. We gather for graduations, excited for what the future holds for these new graduates, and we attend weddings, happy for the couple as they begin their lives together.
Even digging in the dirt and tending to our newly blooming gardens brings the hope of a new beginning. We look forward to the fresh cut flowers on our table and the summer harvest that the garden will bring.
Each of these are tangible reminders that we do not have to save new beginnings just for January. Every new season is a gentle push that new things are to come. Sometimes we feel stuck in a season of life. Let's remember that just as nature is starting over in the spring, we too can hit a reset on some of the difficult things in our lives. There is no better time to do that than when the sun is shining and flowers are blooming.
Wren & Willow Feature Project
Speaking of new beginnings (and digging in the dirt!), we are excited about a new custom home we just broke ground on. We celebrated the commencement of this home by hosting a ground-breaking ceremony and letting the clients dig that first shovel of dirt.
Congratulations to our clients! We cannot wait to see these plans turn into a beautiful new custom home.
Carriage House Update
The bricks are going up on the outside of the building. Just like every other detail of this project, these bricks were specially picked to match the style of an original Carriage House. Inside, the electrical and HVAC systems are being installed, the elevator shafts are built, and framing is complete!
If you would like to take a tour of the Carriage House, please let Laureen know by sending us an email or by giving a call at (253) 227-8189. She would love to show you around!
A Wren & Willow Kitchen Recipe
Broccoli Salad
This easy, fresh salad is a fun side to throw on the picnic table during the first backyard BBQs of the season.
From One-Hundred Italian Eats by Wren & Willow Recipe by Rosalie Miliziano | Photo by pinchmeimeating.com
INGREDIENTS 1 lb Broccoli 3 Tbsp. Olive Oil 3 Tbsp. Lemon Juice 1 Clove Garlic, thinly sliced 1/2 tsp. Salt 1/8 tsp. Pepper
DIRECTIONS Cut the broccoli into bite-sized pieces and cook until tender. Drain and chill in the refrigerator. When thoroughly chilled, sprinkle all the remaining ingredients over the broccoli. Serve and enjoy!
New Beginnings Giveaway
Get in the dirt and spruce up your garden with this fun gift including an artistic hummingbird feeder, an adorable rain chain, and a watering can filled with flower seeds, gloves and garden tools.
An artist's rendering of the Carriage House
Images by Nathaniel Gutierrez, Stephanie Bower, pixabay, and pinchmeimeating.com Visit our homepage to learn more about us! wrenandwillow.com
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